Saturday, January 26, 2008

Retail Therapy

There is no one online for me to brag to about my amazing shopping experience today, and I need to tell someone!

I bought 8 items of clothing for 2415 yen today, which averages roughly $3.00 per piece!! I got two hats, two button-up shirts, a turtleneck, a cardigan, a skirt and a blazer---excellent payoff for the 40 minute bike ride to "West Coast," Japan's greatest second hand shop. There is one much closer to the apartment, but it isn't as large, and since it is so close, I think either Allison or I have snatched up all the good stuff already (and there have been some great purchases). We knew we would probably rewarded for our trek, but little did we know that everything in the store was going to be 50% off the regularly very reasonable prices. So after two rounds of scanning the racks and trying on clothes, Allison, Jamie and I each emerged with a large grey bag of spoils. Happy day.

1 comment:

愛子 said...

Let's go shopping more often! Next stop... 2nd Street?! I have a bag of ugly ANGORA sweaters to dispose of!