Monday, April 13, 2009

2nd Annual Ichigo Gorging

It seems only fitting that a post about strawberries should be short and sweet. This one will certainly fit the first description, and you the reader can decide whether or not it fulfills the second.

The Sunday after graduation, Jamie, Vanessa and I left the jutaku at the seemingly un-godly hour of 10 AM to catch the bus south to Hirokawa Town. Shortly getting off, we saw this descriptive man hole cover. We were in the right place.

The all you can pick/eat in 60 minutes strawberry "patch" was a decent 30 minute walk on some narrow streets from the bus stop, but aside from the cars coming within inches of us, it was rather pleasant and the appetite we worked up came in handy among the rows and rows of fruit.
After we paid our 1200 yen, we were outfitted with small baskets, a small pair of scissors and the all important VIP "Hungry Strawberry Eater" badge. We were then let loose in the greenhouse where the temperature was around 26 C. Heaven!!
Jamie and Vanessa show off the all access passes.

Rows and rows of strawberries, some not quite ripe like the neato "ha-fu" ones below, but we had no trouble eating ourselves almost sick in just under an hour.

The aftermath.

The long walk back to the bus aided in the digestion process, allowing Jamie and me to jugde this year's fest as a big improvement over the coma of last year. "Berry" nice work!!

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