Friday, October 24, 2008

A Beautiful Fall Day

A few weekends ago, Jamie and I bid farewell to Kurume for a few hours and went into Fukuoka for a "girl" day. First stop was Yasu's magical hair palace, where we got the star treatment and emerged with lovely new fall looks. Jamie got her hair trimmed and Yasu gave her some fabulous shampoo comercial waves; I asked for a chin length angled bob with some bangs and got just what I asked for.

Looking fab, we ate lunch at an Italian restaurant we discovered a bit on accident before one of our monthly meetings. The restaurant is located on the second floor, behind a frilly boutique and is always full of women. I like to refer to it as the "lesbian lunch lair." The food is really good, and for just under $10, you get a salad, amazing crunchy bread, a huge pasta, drink and two, yes two, tiny desserts. No wonder it's always crowded ;-)

Full of lunch, we hopped a bus for the ferry port, took the ferry to Nokonoshima, and got on another bus to take us to the "Island Park," with it's famed hillside of pink and white cosmos flowers. The weather was really nice, so we weren't exactly the only people there, but the people watching added to the fun.

Follow me to the cosmos patch!

Oooo look, we made it!! Gorgeous!!
Throughout the afternoon, the sun kept going in and out from behind the clouds, making it hot, then cold, too bright and then too dark to take pictures. We had some creamy soft cream and hot from the fryer tempura sweet potatoes before boarding the bus back to the ferry, back to the bus, back to the train, back to Kurume.
The day's (and this post's) parting image--Fukuoka skyline from the ferry.

1 comment:

Kaahl said...

wen--so I am thinking I want to pick up another language and wonder if japanese is for me. Korea is too small to both. Vietnamese could be cool, but same problem. Since I already have 4-5 years worth of characters down, I think I would have a bit of an edge in Japanese. You think it is worthwhile to learn? It's either that or pick up more spanish....